Monday 31 January 2011

Sexy CPR

I had to go on a three day first aid course once. It really bored the life out of me, but the presentation could have had the potential to be a lot more interesting...

Of course doing CPR can save lives, so it is a great idea for everyone to learn what to do - so I think this is a really good thing - as long as it doesn't lead to delays in treatment while first responders strip downand put on womens underwear!

Monday 24 January 2011

Super Vans

Take a look at this video that shows some of motoring history's forgotten stars.

The big advantage of a van when it comes to track modifications is its large body. The extra capacity can be filled with a beast of an engine. Those two in the video are pretty old school. It would be really cool to see an updated version, with the improved brakes etc. that you can find on vans for sale now it could be quite awesome.

Thursday 20 January 2011

I Guess That Would Be Helpful

This is the viral video that is quite literally setting the Internet on fire. The first couple of times I watched it, I have to confess I didn't 'get' it. It did grow on me however and it set me thinking.

I thought about all my experiences with various banks over the years. From being talked down to when I opened my first account, to being robbed blind for breaching my overdraft limit when I was a student. I can't say it was a happy history.

If only my bank had been staffed with real people,then maybe I would not have had such a bad time. When you know the people you are dealing with things work out better. I have to say the more I hear about this whole 'helpful banking' lark the more it appeals. If only we got some of that spirit from this lame duck coalition government.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

On The Fly

That is a look inside one of Etihad's planes. Awesome! I normally hate long haul flying, but I reckon I could even handle regular flights to Sydney if I flew with them...

Monday 17 January 2011

The Real World

Wow, I can't believe it has been so long since I posted anything up on here.  Life just has a way of making actually doing anything such an uphill struggle.  I don't know, it is easy to lose perspective, there are some actual real problems out there.  I saw this video today, and I think it illustrates one of the more pressing ones with fairly alarming clarity:

it is all a bit alarming, but for me there was one very clear take away message from it. That message was that climate change is definitely real, definitely the very definition of an uphill struggle to do anything about, but that there is hope.

Hope can be a dangerous thing, but hope can set you free.