Tuesday 31 August 2010

I'm back baby

I think I started this blog at just the wrong time - right before I went away on holiday! The past few weeks I have been entirely removed from contact with the outside world, soaking up the rays and having a right old laugh in remote sub-tropical location.

There have been two consequences of this: number 1, have little or no idea what has been happening in the world, and, number 2, I am now so deeply relaxed that nothing is really winding me up! Goodbye inspiration! Even the trouble I had getting back home was not enough to get me riled up. Well I guess I'm going to tell that story, seeing as it is my blog and I make the rules around here...

I had my flights booked with an airline, who shall remain nameless, who got me to the sunshine, no problems, its just they didn't want to take me home. Normally something like finding that my flight had been overbooked would be something that would have me getting dangerously angry - but a combination of being chilled out from my holiday and the positive experience I had getting home by other means.

I couldn't be doing with waiting for the alternative flight my airline put me on, so I just got myself on the first flights to the UK that I could find. It turns out that they were with a MUCH better class of airline. I was seduced - when the winter comes around I think I might even splash out on flights to Australia with them. It was an eye opener.

Anyway, this good mood can't last too long - the world surely can't allow that to happen...


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