Friday 13 August 2010

Liberal Conspiracies

Liberal conspiracies, you have to watch your back they are everywhere. For instance until this week I had absolutely no idea that Einstein was part of one. I confess to being maybe not the best at advanced mathematics, but looking at the Theory of General Relativity it's subversive anti-family undertones completely escaped me.

Fortunately because of the wonders of the Internet I can benefit from the knowledge and opinions of people who are better educated and more intelligent than I am. In this case the good people who have taken the time to write and edit 'Conservapedia -the Trustworthy Encyclopedia' have been the ones to set me straight.

The article on the Theory of Relativity links to a page which contains no less than 28 counterexamples which prove that it is a lie. Included at number 9 is a story from the Bible, from John 4. At this point I did get a little confused, because when I read the article on pi (because I was told that it says in the Bible it was exactly 3) Conservapedia has this to say:

Common sense and a rudimentary knowledge of the Bible should cause one to question whether it sets out to define mathematical concepts.
I'm confused, and suspect a liberal may have vandalized the page. Actually, although obviously I am against them as a right-thinking, red-blooded etc. etc., I really m not sure what a liberal is. Maybe my new favorite source of information can help:

A liberal (also leftist) is someone who rejects logical and biblical standards, often for self-centered reasons. There are no coherent liberal standards; often a liberal is merely someone who craves attention, and who uses many words to say nothing.

I am so glad that there are people out there willing to stand up for logical standards.


  1. Owen,

    I followed your comment here from my website. Thanks for the advice you left me on my site. I would like to offer you a little too. The background you are using is seriously causing my eyes to twitch and lose focus. (lol) In all seriousness, even if you post great material here, I would not be a regular because of how it affects my eyes.

    Based on your first two posts, it looks like you are going to be talking about politics mostly.

    I hope you find great success with your blog. Talking about things that really interest you is very rewarding indeed.

  2. Yeah, thanks Kathy,
    I think you are right about the background - it is something I will be changing.

    Really, thank you so much for taking time to look at my blog and offering advice.
